Note - We are moving Devins members area to our new server tonight. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause Problems Logging In? Please make sure that you are entering your username and password correctly, remember that they are cAse sensitive. Also, please verify that your account is still active! This could save you filling out a help form simply because your membership has expired. If your still having problems, please click the Help Page because this may solve your problem easily. If you are still having trouble after that, contact us using our Help Form AOL Users- If you are being re-directed to the "Help Page" page, the most likely cause is a "cookies" issue. Please read HERE to learn how to enable cookies on your browser.
If your leaving us, YOU are responsible for canceling with CCBill. So please don't email me asking me to do it for you :) I MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU! But I sincerely thank you for belonging to my site and I hope you enjoyed your time with me. Thanks, Devin |